Saturday, July 19, 2008

FFA Sites - Do they work?

I had began last weekend, 1 week ago today, posting to the SE's either direct or through free submission sites. This was phase one, and so far generated the most traffic, unfortunately all crawlers versus visits. Wednesday I became aware of FFA portals that submit your ad to millions of sites, and I tried Blastomatic, supposedly they submit to 12 million supposedly. So far I have seen very little traffic, but most suggest that it can take time for the ad to be posted. 1 week into it, and pending.....Today I also submitted to a viral traffic site, this should be more immediate, but we will see on this as well.

I had not added to this in a while, but I thought I would answer this. Apparently they can generate a little traffic, but not enough to be considered worth the efforts to maintain. I have done more research on the traffic, and raising rank in the engines which I think will prove more fruitfull. So for those of you considering FFA sites, perhaps they will work for you, for me they created work trying to sort through all the spam they generated.

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